I cant use this app! My iPod is too old!
I cant use this app! My iPod is too old!
Wow, I like this. I tried that on my speaker and on the floor beside to see if there was a lot of vibration transfered from the speakers and the floor. I was impressed with the results. There is only few things I will like to see, if you plan to improve it, its a pause and/or stop button, and also the possibility to take few snap shut that can be review after with if possible some kind of scale number and volume. Continue the great job. Frenchy
Needle quivers even when iPod is on a flat, damped surface. Tried to isolate all vibration (sounds) and still no flat line.
Ok So I Downloaded This And It Seems To Work. Except The Needle Never Stops Moving...... Please Fix It
I find myself opening this app up whenever Im bored.. I just place it on the floor and start jumping to whatch the needle go crazy. I think its quite amusing.. For people easily amused, this app will take up lots of your time. I love it!
Very good app. To comment to the ones thatvthink the line should be zero once its on a table is wrong. A car passing on the street is enough to shake an iPhone on a table. A dog barking or your breathing on the table while watching the app is enough to move the needle to not equal zero. Very nice tool to show students how environmental vibrations effect items. Try it go to another room and shout if youre loud enough you can move the needle.
The update for this app makes it a winner. A fun little app to toy around with. Recommended! --------- Original concept but does not flatline. Also, cannot seem to duplicate the "Settings" and "Pause" buttons as viewed on the screenshot of this app. This app is almost fun.
A neat and clever gadget that actually works. It will be helpful if the developer provides explanation to the meaning of the various setting components : e.g. What is the difference between having a high-pass filter or not ? What is logarithmic scale versus linear scale ? And what are the distinctions between "Y&Z" and "All" axis? etc. Is there a typical setting that resembles a weather stations seisometer ?
I work as a camera operator for Broadcast TV... Having a stable surface is critical for a shooting position. I can totally see this app as being a valuable tool with some further useability added. With the needle shortened we can now see more data which is better in this version but to scroll back and review your session would still be very valuable to me. The added controls and pause feature are great additions and going in the right direction. Suggestions: add a time count along the graph margin to see how long the session has gone. When paused if you can *scroll* back and review the data this app would add huge useability. As it stands now, you only see whats on the screen at that given moment which is this apps biggest limitation. Future consideration to scroll, save the graph, compare sessions, email graph, and perhaps sound alerts at target thresholds will make this app a truly useful tool rather than just a cool novelty. That said, its still a really cool novelty right now!! Well done. Great job.
When I first got this, I thought it was kind of cool, but with the update it is excellent.
Great app! Fun to play around with when I am bored... I seem to use it all the time! Great entertainment value for only 99cents! It could use some additions for sure that would make it more practical. like being able to take a snap of it or recording to make actually useful. But just the same for the price it is on my keeper list. Gets lots of amusment value when showing off my phone.
got it while it was free. very worthwhile and useful too lol
Jiggles make squiggles. OK cool for 10 seconds. No ability to time/date the track, or explain what is going on. Im a geologist and should find this wonderful but this is a pretty cheesy app.
Needle moves when iPod is flat Like the guy above said
I thought that this was pretty cool, but I have a problem with starting the origional app. So I am trying to delete it and then reinstall but now it would cost me money. Not so cool.
無料の時から入れているが、今回のアップデートで感度(フィルタ)・スケール・計測軸等の細かな設定が可能になった。 フィルタ無しのリニアスケール設定で、寝ている人の胸の上に置くと心臓の鼓動もきれいに拾ってくれた。 僕はいいアプリだと思います。今後のヴァージョンアップにも期待。 ※無料から有料(たった115円、と言うよりも有料化の原因はStoreのバグと説明に書いてある)になったとたんに他人に便乗し攻撃的・感情的な事を書いている人は、「私は英語が読めません」「私は説明も読もうとせずにレヴューを書きます」と自分で言っているようなものです。作者に失礼です。 ReadMe等の説明を読まない人に限って、わからない・壊れた・教えて、などと言いますよ。 -------- Thanks Johan, I could feel My Girlfriends Heartbeat on iPhone. It seemed to be Able to see the movement of Her Heart with My eyes. I Thank You.
its very nice application but if it was motion alarm on it we could use as erthquake alert ....
Sickly. Really sensitive. Gets a little boring though
Awsome but it needs a feature where u can look back at the recordings
Like others have said this app has potential and needs a few extras. I agree with the need for seperating the 3 axis, being able to scroll back, and save. Id also like to suggest an alarm function. There could maybe be a slider for the level at which you would want the alarm to sound at, possibly for each of the 3 axis? Thanks