Could be better.
Ive had this app for a long time, and have used it to demonstrate the accelerometer in the iPhone.
The latest update seems to have greatly reduced the sensitivity even if you go to the settings page and turn on all 3 axes. This needs to be addressed, perhaps with a slider bar for each axis to adjust sensitivity.
Speaking of the settings page, why the author chose to bury it in the main setting page for the phone is beyond me. It is way too cumbersome that way. Why not just an "i" as most apps have? The problem is if the icon for the app is several pages away from the settings page icon, it is quite difficult to go back and make changes. This REALLY needs to be fixed.
Also needed are some (at least rudimentary) instructions and help pages.
The update appears to have included some sharing features, but without instructions, they are worthless.
Until these are fixed, I cant rate it much above 3 stars.
MrDLoomis about